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Filter: COVID-19 relief
Covid-19 relief – does my race, gender, age or disability matter?

10 July 2020

Covid-19 relief – does my race, gender, age or disability matter?I am a small business owner and I am hoping... to apply for financial relief from the Covid-19 pandemic. Will my company’s B-BBEE status or factors such as race, gender and disability be considered when I apply for the relief?

How far is a bank liable if you lose your credit card and pin?

11 June 2020

I lost my wallet with my credit card in it and a piece of paper on which I wrote down... my new card pin number. Because I was hoping I may still find my wallet, I didn’t immediately stop my bank card. A few hours later somebody used my card to pay for food on the other side of town. I then immediately phoned the bank to stop the card and informed the bank that somebody else had my card and pin. The bank told me in that case the bank would not be liable for my losses. Is this true?


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